ראשי מוזיקה היטליסט סלבס תרבות +12 נא להזין 2 תווים לפחות

הכל שירים מילים לשירים אמנים  
הדפסה שלח לחבר


Van Der Graaf Generator

I stood alone upon the highest clifflooked down, around, and all that I could see
were those that I would dearly love to share with
crashing on quite blindly to the sea...
I tried to ask what game this was,
but knew I might not play it:
the voice, as one, as no'We have looked upon the heroes
and they are found wanting;
we have looked hard across the land,
but we can see no dawn;
we have now dared to sear the sky,
but we are still bleeding;
we are drawing near to the cliffs,
now we can hear the call.

The clouds are piled in mountainthere is no escape except to go forward.
Don't ask us for an answer now,
it's far too late to bow to that convention.
What course is there left but to die?

We have looked upon the High Kings,
found them less than mortals:
their names are dust before the just
march of our young, new law.
Minds stumbling strong, we hurtle on
into the dark portal;
Nointo the unknown maw.

And as the Elders beat their brows
they know that it's really far
too late now to stop us.
For if the sky is seeded death
what is the point in catching breath? What cause is there left but to die
in searching of something we're not quite sure of?

What cause is there left but to die?
... I really don't know why ...

I know our ends may be soon
but why do you make them sooner?
Time may finally prove
only the living move her and
no life lies in the quicksand.

Yes, I know it's
Out of control, out of control:
Greasy machinery slides on the rails,
Young minds and bodies on steel spokes impaled...
Cogs tearing bones, cogs tearing bones;
IronMind and machinery box
... but there still is time ...

Cowards are they who run today,
the fight is beginning...
no war with knives, fight with our lives,
lemmings can teach nothing;
death offers no hope, we must grope
for the unknown answer:
unite our blood, abate the flood,
avert the disaster...

There's other ways than screaming in the mob:
that makes us merely cogs of hatred.
Look to the why and where we are,
look to yourselves and the stars and in the end
What choice is there left but to live
in the hope of saving
our children's children's little ones?

What choice is there left but to live?
to save the little ones?

What choice is there left but to try
דווח על טעות
© זכויות היוצרים שמורות למחברים
Van Der Graaf Generator הרשימה שלי אמנים מועדפים
White Hammer
When She Comes
Whatever Would Robert Have Said
The Wave
The Undercover Man
The Sphinx In The Face
The Sleepwalkers
The Siren Song
The Habit Of The Broken Heart
The Emperor In His War-room
The Emperor In His War-room
The Emperor In His War-room
The Emperor In His War Room
The Boat Of Millions Of Years
לרשימה המלאה...

שירונט- אתר המוזיקה הגדול בישראל הכולל מילים לשירים בעברית, מילים לשירים באנגלית וקליפי יוטיוב. מאגר מילות שירים מסגנונות מוזיקליים שונים: מוזיקה מזרחית, מוסיקה ים תיכונית, רוק, פופ, היפ הופ, ג'אז, בלוז, שירה בציבור, ארץ ישראל הישנה והטובה, שירי חתונה, שירי אהבה, אקורדים לשירים לועזיים ועבריים. יכול כי בשוגג נפלו טעויות במילות השירים. האתר אינו נושא באחריות כי מילות השירים מדויקות, וככל שהנך מזה/ה טעות במילות מי מהשירים אנא דווחו לנו על כך ואנו נתקן את הטעות.